They’re all good pies.

I like pies. I’m not an expert on making them, on reviewing them, or really on anything other than eating them. And I have to tell you that I love eating pies.

Back when I was in primary school (Boneo Primary represent!) there used to be a somewhat regular pie-day. For some reason that is lost to me, this government school would have days where you could take money to school and for lunch you’d get a pie, or perhaps a sausage roll. Nothing fancy, just Four ‘n’ Twenty pies in an old-school pie warmer, but they were great. We’d jam the sauce bottle right into the casing of the pie and squeeze it until the lid was bulging, then eat the thing as it exploded in your face.

Damn that was good.

I had pies before then of course. I don’t remember a time when I haven’t been eating pies. They’re always there for you, whether it’s from a fancy-pants bakery or the back of a food truck in an industrial estate. You get a meal in your hand, at a reasonable price, and one that will travel well.

A while ago I started as a lark writing tweets that were brief reports of pies that I’d eaten. They go something like this:

But Twitter is dying now, and I still report on pies.

A quick note though — don’t come here expecting a bad review. I’m about pies, and supporting places that make good pies. If I get a bad pie, I just don’t do a pie report. Life is too short to complain about pies.

Your Old Mate Ross Floate

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